Hug me very tight

Today two months ago a star that was shining in earth took off its flight to reach the sky. Alberto Aguilera Valadez passed away the 28th of August leaving with us all his memories and remarkable records. We live his legacy listening his songs and proudly singing. This post is dedicated to Juan Gabriel, sharing … More Hug me very tight

If conditional

it is maybe the most famous conditional in programming, it works when you want to divide a statement between true or false, in other words Boolean logic. “If” conditional is composed by the main statement, the true and the false answer.  There are many others options that can be added to the “If” conditional as … More If conditional

Data-type methods

  Python tiene muchas variantes para poder modificar la información que ingresas en el sistema, este es un ejemplo de como puede ser modificada; con string.capitalize() puedes hacer que de las palabras que ingreses, la primera letra la conviertas en mayúscula. esto es utilizado para la ortografía. String.format() es un recurso para introducir strings a … More Data-type methods


Using strings is a variable of words, is necessary for programming in too many cases, for example; when you compile information or you have to use one large word and you want your programm to make it shorter.